Meet our incredible team!


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Mr. G.

Head Instructor, Founder

Hi, I'm Mr. G. and I graduated from UCLA with a degree in History. I started out as a math major, but the classes were too dull, so I switched. I've been teaching as long as I can remember – at least since age 10. In addition to Math Olympiads, I've taught Instrumental Performance, Leadership, and Chess for the City of Cupertino. I've also taught or tutored Spanish, piano, writing, tennis, and SAT preparation (and possibly other subjects) in the past. 

After college, I worked in Human Resources for Cisco Systems for just over a year. Although I liked the company, the job was too boring, so I started my own teaching business instead.

My unique interests include chess, piano, college football, figure skating, cooking, tennis, hiking, baking, board games, soccer, and politics. I hate ultimate Frisbee (sorry), I but love cats. I consider myself patient with people, but I have no tolerance for malfunctioning machines. My mother would be furious if I did not reveal that I graduated Phi Beta Kappa. My father, on the other hand, would have simply pointed out that I make pretty good pancakes.

Our staff is the "soul" of Dynamic Teaching. I've taken great care to ensure that we have an extraordinarily talented team of teachers and TA's. Once a year, we go on a team-building trip to enjoy hiking in the mountains, card games, cooking, board games, and more.

I can't wait for the opportunity to work with your student!

Mr. Miz


Greetings and salutations, I’m Mr. Miz and It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance! I’m a proud Stanford University alum, having earned my B.S. in Mechanical Engineering in 2021. I’m a San Francisco Bay Area native and I’ve been a tutor with the Technical Communication Program at the Stanford School of Engineering since 2016.

I’ve always had a passion for transforming a classroom into a playground for people. There is much value in education when it's done with enthusiasm and play in mind. I believe that all students deserve to enjoy learning and be comfortable with making mistakes and growing from their experience! I am also a huge fan of emerging education technologies! We are headed for big changes in general education and I am excited to try new and exciting tech in my classroom and expand on what can be done in a traditional classroom.

Aside from teaching, I work on vintage guitars, basses, and amplifiers at Subway Guitars in Berkeley, California. Other interests of mine include music production, reading, and custom clothing creating.

Random Quote: “Set no path, never lose your way."

Ms. T


Hello, my name is Dana. In the classroom, kids call me Ms. T.

I'm a California native who graduated magna cum laude with a B.A. in Computer Science from UC Berkeley. I also worked for decades in Silicon Valley as a software engineer and later as a software development manager. I became a fan of the Math Olympiads program and of Mr. G's effective, creative teaching style during the 5 years that my own twin children were gaining problem solving expertise in his Math Olympiads classes. For the past 8 years, I've been a teacher for the Dynamic Teaching organization.



Hello, my name is Nathaniel and I’m an instructor for Dynamic! I’m a recent college grad from UC San Diego. I would say I’m a nerdy 20-year-old who loves to learn about everything. I enjoy singing, visual arts and games like Mario Kart Wii.

Math is often very beautiful and logical, and using it to solve problems is generally very satisfying. I also, inexplicably, just really like numbers. I would some day like to work with AI, data science or computational linguistics.

I love helping others learn about math. I am very excited to bring Dynamic Teaching to Fremont!

Random quote: “The time will pass anyway.”

Teaching Assistants

Becoming a Dynamic Teaching Assistant (TA) is challenging and being selected as one is an honor.

All Dynamic Teaching TA's are former students who have scored a minimum of 90th percentile on past Math Olympiad contests. Additionally, they must demonstrate strong leadership qualities, teaching acumen, and an ability to inspire and relate to students. Our TA's are thoughtful, deliberate, ambitious and fun! When your students work with our TA’s, they’re working with exceptional young men and women. For more details on how we choose our TA's, click here.


Grade: 12th

Role: Teaching Assistant

Hi, my name is Ravi. In terms of academics, I really enjoy biology and chemistry (as well as math of course) because I find it amazing to learn and understand the way life works and how it interacts with the world around it. Outside of class, I spend a lot of my time at Track and Field practice where I long jump and triple jump. When I am not busy, I enjoy petting and holding my Guinea Pigs, and one of the highlights of my year is usually getting to visit or be visited by family. One of my favorite things to do is play a great board or party game. I also love cooking, baking, camping and teaching.

I really like applying math to so many random situations as well as seeing the beauty as numbers and concepts fall into place on a good problem. At the moment, I’d like to some day work in biotech or a biomedical engineering field.

I will likely be applying to UC’s and the University of Washington.


Grade: 12th

Hi! I'm Anvitha Mattapalli, and I'm a senior at Monta Vista High School. This is my fourth year as a TA, and I was a Math Olympiads student for the 3 years before that. This year, I am the TA for the E Honors section on Thursdays at 5:20. I love using mathematical logic and problem-solving skills to brainstorm new solutions! Additionally, I love dance, creative writing, speech and debate, volunteering, and coding! I’m interested in designing assistive technologies and will be applying to UC schools.

Random quote: “When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.”
—Winnie the Pooh


Grade: 10th

“Hi! I'm Chintan Gharpure, a 10th grader who enjoys TA'ing Math Olympiad and participating in Math Competitions. I enjoy sports like basketball and football and I also enjoy coding.”

Career goals: Something in STEM, like computer science or Math.

College aspirations: Berkeley, UCLA, any of the Ivy League Schools, or Stanford.


Grade: 12th

I am a perpetually sleep-deprived rising senior at Basis Independent Silicon Valley. 🙂
In 3rd grade, I was sucked into this Math Olympiads program and haven't escaped since. Random fact: my favorite word is schadenfreude. Mr. G, the founder of Dynamic Teaching, is what inspires me about math. Yes, I’m serious. In addition to math, I enjoy playing video games (gacha games), origami, playing hearts on Trickster, reading manga (and actual novels), watching anime, fencing, memorizing musicals and watching video essays. Realistically, I want some sort of career in computer science. My actual college application list includes University of Rochester, Harvey Mudd, CMU, Boston U, UIUC, Northeastern, Cornell, Tufts, U Maryland, U Michigan, Purdue, U Washington, NYU and UCs.

Random quote: "If individual brains exist to maximize the organism's survival capacity, then why could it happen that a teenager gets drunk and falls off a cliff?"
- Thomas Trappenberg


Grade: 11th

Hello! I’m a junior at Cupertino High School who loves math. This is my 6th year as a TA for Math Olympiads, and my first year teaching Advanced Topics in Mathematics (ATM). As a TA, my strengths are my math ability and attitude/enthusiasm. My favorite part of the job is teaching problems to the class, as it is rewarding for me to help students grasp challenging ideas.

I also really like writing creative and tricky problems for the Harrison Chen Memorial Math Competition (HCMMC). Besides being a TA, my extracurriculars include cross country, singing in the Silicon Valley Boychoir, and competitive math. My greatest achievement in competitive math was receiving an Honorable Mention in last year’s USAJMO (United States of America Junior Mathematical Olympiad). I like to think deeply about hard problems, but I also enjoy computer science. I also like exploring California with my dad on hikes and bike rides. When I’m not in school, you might find me in the Sierra Nevada or the coastal redwood forests.

I love math because good math problems always make you think. You can’t rely on memorization or a routine algorithm: a good math course will challenge you to apply concepts in creative ways. Besides that, some areas of math are just really cool and beautiful! Some day I may become an engineer or a scientist. If I were to be a scientist, I would want to focus on ways to slow down climate change.

Random quote: “Live in the moment.”


Grade: 9th

Hello, my name is Elaina and I'm a rising freshman attending Monta Vista High School. I've been taking Mr. G's classes since 4th grade, and this is my first year as a TA. Outside of math, I also do art and science olympiad. I'm really excited to start TAing this year! I really enjoy the logic and problem solving aspect of math. Some day, I would like to work in a STEM related field.


Grade: 9th

Hi, I’m Theeran and I'm a freshman going into Monta Vista High School. I really like to do math and enjoy solving Rubik's cubes. Math interests me because even though there’s a lot of logic, there’s also intuitive thinking to solve various kinds of problems. In addition to math, I also like soccer, basketball and of course, gaming. I’m not sure what I’d like to do in my career just yet, but I would one day like to achieve a world record in something!

Random quote: “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
– Albert Einstein


Grade: 9th

Hi, my name is Angela and I’m a 14-year-old 9th grader attending Monta Vista (class of ‘27). The ‘23-’24 school year will mark my second year serving as a TA for our esteemed Math Olympiads program. I have taken classes for 5 years (4th through 8th grade), and am more than familiar with the system. In terms of athletics, I have passionately pursued swimming for a decade, with six years dedicated to competing with the Santa Clara Swim Club. Throughout my swimming career, I’ve honed skills, challenged limits, and broken records, and developed persistence , self-discipline, and perseverance. Aside from that, I enjoy reading books, surfing Pinterest for aesthetics, fangirling over Taylor Swift, socializing with my besties, cleaning my room, attempting arts & crafts, and going on nature walks!

Math excites me because I approach every problem as a puzzle begging to be solved. It’s equally inspiring because improvement is unlimited: math is an endless rabbit hole and there’s always more to be learned (or discovered?). Only able to be described as a mix of excitement, pride, and triumph, the feeling of grasping new mathematical concepts that once seemed impossible is euphoric. Simply put, it’s not only exercise for your brain, it also evokes a sense of accomplishment.

Throughout my lifetime, I have developed aspirations to become a professional in the healthcare field. Although I’m not entirely sure what I want to specialize in yet, I believe I would be well-suited for this career as I am a detail-oriented person who also loves to help people. I genuinely can’t imagine staring at glowing pixels for 8 hours a day for 40 years of my life while isolated in a cubicle, so hopefully a career in the medical field treats me well.


Grade: 8th

Hiyo! My name is Rohan Agarwal. I’m an eighth grader at Sam Lawson Middle School, and am looking forward to a wonderful year as part of the Dynamic Teaching team. Mr. G. and the team have been an instrumental part of my childhood and one of the few constants in my life since fourth grade! Right from the age of nine, Mr. G. has always been there with me through my math journey, guiding me and helping me grow. In terms of my math experience and path, I’ve been taking the AMC competitions since sixth grade, making AIME (American Invitational Mathematical Examination) in seventh grade. I’m currently working on deeper and creative thinking skills and hope to qualify for the USA Junior Math Olympiad within the next few years. Apart from AMC, I also did MATHCOUNTS, making it to the State Championship with my team and placing second in the chapter, as well as also making it to the State Championship in the MathLeague high school competition. I like to challenge myself by working on high school problems because I don’t just do math as work, I enjoy the process and challenge.

I love music. I’ve been learning Indian Classical singing since I was four, as well as tabla and also violin. Music is an essential part of who I am, and I often feel like it forms a balancing act which indirectly even helps my math. I was part of our Lawson 4x100 meter team last year and we made it all the way to the county competition.

I’m really not sure about anything in terms of college, but from what I’ve heard of places like MIT and CalTech, I think these are places where I’ll fit in and be appreciated for who I am. Obviously, this is just a faraway dream, but as a Bay Area kid who’s grown up with entrepreneur parents, I do think “faraway dreams” are eventually what can turn into big successes.

Random Quote: “True focus is when there’s nowhere to go but onwards.”


Grade: 10th

Role: Teaching Assistant

My name is Anshi Kothari, and I am a current 10th grader at Cupertino High School. I live with my younger brother, my mom, and my dad, and my cousins who we meet every weekend live nearby too. I love traveling the world and have been to many different countries with friends and family. I also play the violin and have been playing the instrument for a long time. Something about math that inspires me is how there are many different methods to reach the same answer. My hobbies include hanging out with friends, painting, playing with dogs, and sleeping.

My career goal at this point in time is to become a pediatrician and I hope to apply to Stanford and other schools with great medical programs.

Random quote: "Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive."


Grade: 11th

My name is Chinmay Raghvendran and I belong to the Class of 2025 at Monta Vista High School. I have been a Math Olympiads TA since 2021. I have been passionate about mathematics since I was a little child, and I have developed a liking for science (physics, to be specific), and computer science through middle school. I have done Science Olympiad for 3 years, and won 1st place and 2nd place as a team nationally in 8th and 9th grade, respectively. I have been learning Indian Classical Music for the past 10 years; I began as a vocalist but switched to the violin 5 years ago. Outside academics, I enjoy reading, watching videos, and learning about higher concepts in math, physics, and computer science. I love engaging in hands-on activities, especially involving the construction of practical mechanisms and machines. In my free time, I like coming up with elaborate stories and creating new languages.

There are several aspects that excite me about math. First, I am fascinated by how complex math can get, even while it is based only on a handful of axioms (universally accepted truths not provable by math). Second, the way proofs are done is so satisfying, especially the brevity of a lot of them, and the elegance of each step, the inferences made at each of them, and the final result. Third, math has so many applications, and it has the capacity to be tweaked to serve newer purposes, which turn out to enhance the field of math and other fields where application was thought improbable (imaginary numbers are a classic example).

From what I have seen so far through campus visits and tours, I have liked MIT, UPenn, Stanford, and UCBerkeley, and would consider applying to them next year.

Random quote: "Las cucarachas entran, pero no pueden salir.” It means that the cockroaches get in, but they can't get out. Just like that, we were all little cockroaches who entered the world of Math Olympiads at some point in our life. Although I may be leaving for college very soon, my heart and mind isn't capable of, and will never leave Math Olympiads and the wonderful TA family I have been blessed with for the last 4 years.


Grade: 11th

My name is Brandon and I'm a junior at Cupertino High School who likes math. As far as competitions go, I qualified for AIME last year, and my subject preference is combinatorics > algebra > number theory > geometry. There's more to math than competitions, of course. I've been learning some basic higher math, and it's been fun so far. Physics is kind of cool too, I guess. In my free time I like gaming, gardening, aquarium-keeping, and sometimes cooking. Admittedly I spend much more time looking at recipes than actually cooking.

Oh, and I love Cheerios. I don't like being bored, and learning more math means I will always have something to turn over in my head.

As far as video games go, I mostly play Tetris and do Minecraft redstone.

Historically, every TA working for Dynamic with a name beginning with a B has gone to Stanford. We'll see if I follow in their footsteps. I do have a fondness for UCSB, although I'm not exactly sure why.

Random Quote: "Together, we could be TWO people!"


Grade: College Freshman

Hi, my name is Arthur. I’m just another strange math major who also enjoys puzzle games and platformers. I did a lot of competition math and mostly chilled out in 10th grade. I’m sometimes not really sure how math inspires me, but I knew I was good at it and math has been good because it felt good to clearly understand things. These days, I'm more excited by the quest of finding the branch of math that grabs me for a lifetime. In addition to math, I enjoy puzzles (baba is you), celeste, badminton and 24. I served as a TA for 6 years. Presently I attend UC Berkeley.


Grade: 9th

Hi, I‘m Benjamin Gu, a freshman at Monta Vista High School and a first-year TA. I have been with this Math Olympiad program since I was in 4th grade and have been with the program ever since. I enjoy math because it gives one a feeling of pride or fulfillment after learning a new concept or solving a challenging problem. I also enjoy the logical thinking and complexity that the Math Olympiads program offers.

Outside of school, I enjoy reading (manga and novels) and cooking. Regarding athletics, I play club volleyball and enjoy working out with friends. I also did soccer and track in middle school.

Random Quote: “Your time shall come. It‘s just a matter of time. “


A Testimonial of Success

Ying Parent of Lucas
Henry Parent
Erickson Student
Yi Wang Parent
Samhita Former Student

"Today Lucas was very excited. He improved from getting only one correct answer to 100% correct. We are so happy at his math knowledge improvement, but also for how to learn and how to deal with tests and gain confidence."

"You are amazing in the sense that Olympiad math is competitive, but not only do you not scare the kids away, you keep them engaged and interested. My child did not like math before joining your program, but not only does she not complain now, she really looks forward to your classes!"

"You expanded my love for math and all your problems were hilarious to solve. I will always remember your class, thank you."

"Thank you so much for your wonderful teaching! My daughter enjoys your class a lot: it is the only academic class she is willing to attend."

"I found a packet of my old Math Olympiads problems the other day, and wanted to reach out to you. I have decided to pursue math as a career after high school, and am taking AP Calculus BC this year. I also have a goal to qualify for the USA Math Olympiad team. You ignited a love for math and problem solving in me, and for that, I will be forever grateful."

Proven Results

Our students have gone on to study at universities like...
